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Some people from Spain used to sil to the Arctic to hunt whales with the Inuit in the arctic. Which region were they from?
The Basque Country
This is one of the indigenous cultures who live in the arctic, their name starts with an "I"
What are these people building?
The Sámi are an indigenous people of the lands around the arctic. What animal can you see in this Saami symbol?
a reindeer
Can you name 3 animals that you can find in the arctic?
How fast can a penguin swim? 50 km per hour or 10 km per hour?
10km per hour
Can you name three countries which have territory in the Arctic Circle?
anada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, and the United States.
People used to hunt Narwhals and sell their tusks as unicorn horns, true or false?
Is this animal an arctic fox or a polar bear?
It's an arctic fox
Auroras can only be seen at the north pole, true or false?
False! You can also see them at the South Pole
Does this animal live in Antarctica or in the Arctic?
Penguins live in Antarctica
Does this animal live in Antarctica or in the Arctic?
Polar bears live in the Arctic