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Australia Summer School Quiz

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Does it snow in Australia?
Yes - The “Snowy Mountains” region has lots of snow each winter
Spain has more people than Australia - True or False?
True (47 million vs 24 million)
Australia is close to Europe - True or False?
False - It's next to Asia.
In Australia, the official language is Spanish - True or False?
False (English)
What are the original people of Australia called?
What country did Australia become independent from? (The UK, the USA or Germany)
The UK (England)
In what year did Australia become independent?
Australia is the world's 3rd biggest country - True or False?
False - it is number 6.
What's the currency of Australia?
The Australian Dollar (I'll accept Dollar)
What's the official language of Australia?
What's the population of Australia?
24 million
In what year was Australia discovered? (1200, 1788 or 1925)
How many stars does the Australian flag have?
Apart from the kangaroo, what other famous animal comes from Australia?
What's the australian national animal?
What percentage of Australia desert? (0, 15 or 35)
What's the capital city of Australia?
Australia was a colony of the United Kingdom in the past?
The Australian flag has what other flag in it? (The United Kingdom, China or France)
The United Kingdom
Is Australia bigger than Spain?