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USA Quiz Summer School

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which country is bigger - the USA or Spain?
Which city is bigger New York or Bilbao?
New York
The biggest City in the USA is? (New York, Los Angeles or Washington)
New York
The official langues of the USA is...?
What's the biggest carnivore in the US?
The grizzly bear (I will accept bear as an answer)
Name 2 of the colours in the US flag.
Red, Blue and White.
Who is the current president of the USA ?(Joe Biden, Donald Trump or Sergio Ramos)
Joe Biden
Is Mount McKinley ( the highest in the USA) bigger than Spain's biggest mountain?
Yes! (almost 2x the size)
What's the name of the USA highest mountain?
Mount McKinley
Does the USA have a border with Europe?
Name one of the countries the USA has a border with?
Canada or Mexico
What's bigger - the USA or the European Union?
What's the name of the currency in the USA?
The US Dollar.
Is Washington DC on the East or West of the USA?
Each star on the US flag represents? (A state, the number of people who live there, the number of world cups they've won
A state
How many states are there in the USA?
Is the USA the biggest country in the world?
No. (That's Russia)
What's the capital city of the US?
Washington DC
Which country is bigger - the US or Spain?
The US (obviously!)
What's the population of the US (30 million, 325 million or 600 million?
325 million