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Animals Stealing For Food

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can small animals be smart? What's the smartest small animal?
Rats are very smart.
Which animal is smarter, dolphins or chickens?
Dolphins are smarter than chickens.
What is the smartest animal in the world? _____ are the smartest animal in the world.
People are the smartest animal in the world.
Do you think animals are like people? Are they as smart as people? Yes, they are like people, because... /// No, they are not like people, because...
Yes or no
Give an example of a smart animal.
Dog's learning how to do tricks. Rats going through mazes. Birds learning to talk. Monkeys stealing for food.
Do you think animals are smart? Yes, animals are smart because... No, animals aren't smart because...
Why do monkeys steal things they can't eat?
So they can trade it for food.
Do monkeys steal from people? What do they steal?
Flip flops, sunglasses, iphone, food, hat, bag.
Give an example of a carnivore (meat eater) stealing food.
The hyena steals meat from the lion.
Give an example of a herbivore (plant eater) stealing food.
The squirrel steals acorns from the woodpecker.
When someone takes food from someone else, this is called _________.