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Creatures of greek mythology

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can centaurs speak?
How many eyes do cyclopes have?
How long could a centaur live?
300-500 years
What were centaurs?
Centaurs were humans with the legs of a horse.
How many heads did a Hydra have?
What is a Cyclopes?
A Cyclopes is a giant with 1 eye.
How is Pegasus different from a normal horse?
Pegasus can fly and make rivers with his hooves
Name one animal that is part of the Chimera.
Goat, lion, or snake
What happens if medusa looks into your eyes?
You turn into stone.
What does medusa look like?
She looks like a woman with snakes instead of hair
What is this creature?
What is this creature?
What is this creature?
What is a myth?
Myths are stories about gods.
Why did the greeks have myths and legends?
To explain the existence of the world.
Can you name a mythological creature?