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English Travel Camp Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which country is Angkor Wat in?
Which country is tempura from?
Which country is the Christ the Redeemer statue?
Could you explain í•´ë…€?
It's a Korean female diver.
Could you explain what is 붕어?
It's a Korean fish shaped dessert.
Could you explain what is a 한옥?
It's a traditional Korean house.
Which country is the Golden Gate Bridge in?
U.S.A. / United States / America
Finish the sentence: "I'm interested in ______________."
(traveling / visiting / seeing / etc) the Great Pyramids
Finish the sentence: "Are you interested in ___________?"
(eating / snacking on / trying) Chinese food
What is a powerful verb for WALK?
trek, stroll, wander, stride
What is a powerful verb for VISIT?
journey, travel, adventure
What country is high tea from?
Which do you prefer, reading or playing sports? Why?
Used key expression? Gave a reason?
Which do you prefer, Italian or French food? Why?
Used the key expression? Gave a reason?
What is a powerful adjective for happy?
pleased, joyful, elated, excited
What is a powerful adjective for pretty?
Beautiful, lovely, stunning, gorgeous