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English 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your best friend wants to lose weight. Give her/him some advice.
What are your hobbies now?
Give your classmates some advice to keep fit.
Role 29 option 2
Role 29 option 1
Tell us about your exercise habits. How often..? what kind..?
Tell us about a hobbie you had when you were younger. Do you still have it?
What is your favorite kind of music? Tell your clasmates about it.
I’d rather go biking outdoors. Spinning sounds boring ____ me.
I don’t like swimming, but water polo ____ _____ fun!
sounds like
If you don’t like exercising, ___ ____ ____ ____dancing instead?
why don't you try
I stay in shape ___ doing aerobics regularly.
Marty is out of shape because ____ _____ exercise.
he doesn't
___ ____ want to lose weight, you have to eat a healthier diet.
If you
doesn’t go / he’s sick / if / Stan / to the gym /
Stan doesn't go to the gym if he is sick.
if / go biking / is nice, / the weather / we /
We go biking if the weather is nice.
exercise / I / regularly / try to / .
I try to exercise regularly.
ever / go out / hardly / to eat / we / .
we hardly ever go out to eat.
do / ever / lift / weights / you / ?
Do you ever lift weights?