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What sociolinguistic means for the second langua ...

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What is the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis?
It's a theory that claims that linguists can predict difficulties for second language learners through a comparison of L1 and L2
True or false: UG claims that language is rule-governed.
Which can only be helpful in the acquisition process: input or intake? Is it enough?
Intake. It's not enough. Learners need to have opportunities to negotiate meaning, check comprehension and receive negative evidence.
Can you explain the difference between input and intake?
input is the linguistic data available to the learner. Intake is the portion of the input that is actually attended t.
Complete: Language learning is a p_________, and i_____ is essential to it.
process / input.
How can we describe the process of second language acquisition? (Think about the morpheme acquisition studies)
It can be described as a series of steps through which learner grammars are modified as the grammar moves toward a closer approximation of the TL
True or false? It is usually agreed that learner grammars are well described as approximative systems that change as new aspects of the TL are acquired.
What's interlanguage? Who came up with this term?
Selinker (1972) described the system of learner language as Interlanguage, capturing the relationship of learner language to BOTH the L1 and the L2.
True or false? There are some second language acquisition theories that claim that L2 acquisition can happen with no input.
What's the name given for the environment in the descriptions of Behaviourism and Generative theory?
How did learning happen according to the behaviouristic model?
It happened as children responded to stimuli in the environment. Habits were formed when children responded appropriately to such stimuli.
What did the behaviouristic model claim?
It claimed that the environment was responsible for human behaviour.
Complete: The ability to live in a second language rests on the acquisition of ______.
Sociolinguistic competence
True or false? A lack of understanding of sociolinguistic variation won't influence language production.
False! It might influence it and it can even have terrible consequences!
Can you name one type of sociolinguistic variaton that receives a lot of attention?
Geographic variation/ age/ level of education/ socioeconomic status/ etc.
Complete: The greatest challenge to the second language learner when they face sociolinguistic variation is...
What of the three abilities (grammatical, sociolinguistic, and strategic) do teachers usually focus on? Which one is also essential for effective communication?
Grammatical competence. Sociolinguistic competence.
What is strategic competence?
It's one of the three abilities that communicative competence is made up of. It's the ability to compensate when there are breakdowns in communication,
True or false? Grammatical competence is a learner's ability to interpret an utterance for its social meaning.
False! That's Sociolinguistic competence!
According to Canala and Swain (1980) communicative competence is made up of three abilities. Can you name them?
Grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence and strategic competence.
True or false? Communicative language teaching and sociolinguistic are not related.
False! Sociolinguistics has been recognized as an integral part of the process of learning to communicate in a second language.
Do second language learners need to know about sociolinguistic variation?
Yes. They need to understand how important it is to be able to identify these differences and interpret the meaning behind the choices speakers make.
True or false? As language teachers, the understanding of sociolinguistics will influence the explanations we offer, the activities we design, and all aspects of the instruction we provide.
In your own words, what is sociolinguistic variation?
Sociolinguistic variation refers to the choices a speaker makes when selecting the forms necessary to convey a message that is appropriate in a given context.