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How To Steal A Dog: Chapter 3

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Why did Georgina think the people who lived in the big house owned the street?
Because their last name was Whitmore like the name of the street.
Was the little black and white dog a good dog to steal? Why?
Yes, because the people who owned him loved him and seemed to be rich by the looks of their big house and name.
What name was on the mailbox of the mansion?
The Whitmore's
Did the lady yell at little dog for digging in the yard?
No, she laughed.
What did the fat lady call the dog?
Did the "mansion" have a fence?
Yes, a chain link fence.
Was the "mansion" dog big or little?
What colors was the dog digging in the yard of the mansion?
white and black
Did the big house "mansion" have a dog?
What color was the "two-story mansion" they saw, white, blue, brick, stucco?
True or False: Toby spotted the "mansion" on Whitmore Street?
What was the name of the second street Georgina and Toby went down to search for dogs to steal?
Whitmore Street
True or False: Toby saw no cats when he was looking for dogs to steal.
What does the word "scrawny" mean?
Thin, weak, malnourished
Why wasn't the dog with "steal me" written all over him (he was clean with a red bandana) the right dog to steal after all?
The people who owned him were not rich enough to pay a reward for their dog. (The house was old, small, and falling apart, with a rotting car in the driveway.)
True or False: Georgina and Toby split up to go look for dogs to steal.
Does Mrs. Godfrey let Luanne play at Georgina's house often?
No, she always finds an excuse for Luanne not being able to go over.
Who is Mrs. Godfrey?
Luanne's mom
True or False: Georgina knew Toby would be a great help.