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Food Chain

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A type of consumer that eats primary consumers is called a...
A secondary consumer. (second, they eat the first consumer)
A _____ cannot make its own energy, and eats plants for energy.
A primary consumer
A ______ makes it's own energy and begins the food chain.
A producer.
True or False: Bears are at the top of the food chain.
True or False: Humans are at the top of the food chain.
Every food chain starts with ...
What's an example of a food chain with a lion?
grass - antelope (bison, zebra) - lion.
Grass - cow - people. This is an example of a ...
food chain
An example of a food chain is...
The small fish eats the algae, the bigger fish eats it, the bigger fish eats it...
Name 5 omnivores, animals that eat meat and plants.
pig, people, monkeys, gorilla, dogs, crow, skunks, squirrels, mice, rats.
Name 5 carnivores, animals that eat meat.
tiger, lion, jaguar, panther, shark, whale, dolphin.
Name 5 herbivores, animals that eat plants.
Cow, horse, sheep, goat, zebra.
An omnivore is an animal that eats ...
An herbivore is an animal that eats plants and meat.
An herbivore is an animal that eats ...
An herbivore is an animal that eats plants.
A carnivore is an animal that eats ...
A carnivore is an animal that eats meat.