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Life stages

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you are 7 years old, you are an elderly person
When you are 20 and studying you are a...
university student
After you turn 18 you can ... (in Thailand).
In start you can ... at 6 or 7.
start school
After working your entire life, you can finally...
When you are financially stable, you may decide to
leave home
When two people are in love and decide it's time, they may ...
have children
After high school, you can ...
go to univeristy
When you meet someone, they can ask you to ...
go on a first date
When you are in love for a while, you can decide to ...
get married
After college or university you have to ...
get a job
When you learn to drive a car, you can ...
get a driver licence
At 65, finally, you become a ...
At around 40 you suffer because you are ...
At 25 you are trully an ...
At around 17 you are a ...
young adult
When you turn 13, you become a ...
When you are 4 you are a ...
When you're born you are a ...