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What Urien did was/has done is come back from the dead to seek his revenge.
URIEN, an English teacher, was found dead in this forest in 2006.
It was Urien, who was an English teacher, that was found dead in this forest in 2006.
A man was killed in this forest IN 2006.
It was in 2006 that/2006 when a man was killed in this forest.
Graham Bell invented the telephone IN 1876.
It was in 1876 that/It was 1876 when
GRAHAM BELL invented the telephone in 1876.
It was Graham Bell who invented the telephone in 1876.
I was amazed by HER SHADE OF LIPSTICK on the first day I saw her. WHAT
What amazed me on the forst day I saw her was...
I was amazed by HER SHADE OF LIPSTICK on the first day I saw her.
It was her shade of lipstick that amazed me...
Shakespeare wrote the well known love story ROMEO & JULIET in 1597.
What Shakespeare wrote in 1597 was....
Shakespeare wrote the well known love story Romeo & Juliet IN 1597.
it was in 1597 that/It was 1597 when Shakespeare....
SHAKESPEARE wrote the well known love story Romeo & Juliet in 1597.
It was Shakespeare who wrote....
The students have been given temporary housing. BEING For ....... the students are living in a caravan.
the time being
After winning the match the whole team was in a happy mood. SPIRITS the whole team was ........because of the victiory.
in high spirits
I ________ you don't mind me phoning so late.
You ________ as if you played in the match instead of just watching it!
I wish Carol _______ be here to see you all
I ________ rather not go by train if that is possible
I wish you ________ try listening to me just for once!
It's ______ time you stood up for yourself!
I've had enough of your constant complaining. WISH I ........ complain all the time!
wish you wouldn't
I've had enough of your constant complaining. WISH I ........ complaining all the time!
wish you would stop
I'd love to be able to go to the opera with you. WISH I........ go with you to the opera.
wish I could
I should really be going home now. TIME It's ......... home now
time I went
Do you ever regret not going to university? WISH Do you ever ................................................... to university?
wish you had gone
She didn't realise how warm the weather was until her ice cream melted. NOTICE She hadn't_______weather until her ice cream melted.
She hadn't TAKEN ANY NOTICE OF THE WARM weather until her ice cream melted.
He was about to throw his coffee at his boss. POINT He was_____ his coffee at his boss.
He was ON THE POINT OF THROWING his coffee at his boss.
He's been made responsible for picking up the balls. CHARGE He is________the balls.
He is IN CHARGE OF PICKING UP the balls.
It is only a matter of time before the flower dies. CHANCE The flower______dying.
The flower STANDS EVERY CHANCE OF DYING eventually.
She kept in touch with friend so she could get back the hat she had lent him. STANDS She_____hat back if she dosen't keep talking to her friend.
She STANDS NO CHANCE OF GETTING HER hat back if she dosen't keep talking to her friend.
He has no recollection of the explosion because he fainted. IMPOSSIBLE He found the explosion_________ to the fact that he had fainted.
He found the explosion IMPOSSIBLE TO REMEMBER OWING to the fact that he had fainted.
I can't concentrate in a noisy room. FIND I _______________ concentrate in a noisy room.
I find it impossible to concentrate in a noisy room.
Her drunk driving was putting her in danger. AT She was putting _____________ drunk.
She was putting her life at risk by driving drunk.
Whales cannot be seen in Barcelona. NO You have_______________ in Barcelona.
You have no chance of seeing whales in Barcelona.
He wrote a letter so as not to lose contact with his friend. TOUCH He wrote a letter because _______________with his friend.
He wrote a letter because he wanted to stay in touch with his friend.
He wasn't paying attention which is why his bag was stolen. EYE He didn't_______________, so it was stolen.
He didn't keep an eye on his bag, so it was stolen.
Some day he will become a famous cyclist. TIME It's only ______________ becomes a famous cyclist.
It's only a matter of time until he becomes a famous cyclist.
He's almost certain to lose his vision. SURE He's __________ vision.
He's for sure going to lose his vision.
The manager of the camp site ignored the high temperatures. OF The manager of the camp site __________ of the high temperatures.
took no notice of
Your pen will eventually run out of ink. TIME It is __________ your pen runs out of ink.
only matter of time until
One way of protecting the environment would be to use public transport more. BETTER Using public transport more would be __________ the environment.
a change for the better for
Claudia was the only one who wanted to go camping. FROM Nobody wanted__________ Claudia.
to go camping apart from
Tom is incapable of pooping in nature. IMPOSSIBLE Tom __________ in nature.
finds it impossible to poop
Ismael refused to drink the coffee I had made him.INTENTION "I__________ that coffee" said Ismael.
have no intention of drinking
I'm pretty sure I didn't invite that cat into my home. OF I __________ that cat into my home.
have no recollection of inviting
It's extremely likely that Man City will win the CL. EVERY Man City __________ the CL.
stand(s) every chance of winning
I have difficulty concentrating when my cat sits on my keyboard. IMPOSSIBLE I find __________ when my cat sits on my keyboard.
it impossible to concentrate
Heavy rain is likely to mean that the match will be cancelled. IN Heavy rain is likely __________ of the match.
to result in the cancellation
In a few years global warming will have caused the extinction of many bird species. TIME It is _________________ until global warming causes the extinction of many bird species.
It is ONLY A MATTER OF TIME until global warming causes the extinction of many bird species.
Birds have a hard time living in noisy cities. ALMOST It is _________ in noisy cities.
Many bird species are likely to become extinct. DANGER Many bird species ___________________ extinct.
Many bird species ARE IN DANGER OF BECOMING extinct.
Because the bird was singing it was impossible for me to concentrate. BEEN Had _________________ I could have concentrated.
Had THE BIRD NOT BEEN SINGING I could have concentrated.
The birds started singing soon after the sun rose. RISEN Hardly _____________ the birds started singing.
Hardly HAD THE SUN RISEN THAN/WHEN the birds started singing.
I can't go camping because I am out of holiday time. WERE ____________ left I would go camping.
WERE I TO HAVE ANY HOLIDAY TIME left I would go camping.
I fell because I left my torch at home. HAD ________________ I wouldn't have fallen.
Late arrival will result in the cancellation of your stay. BE If you do not arrive _________ cancelled.
f you do not arrive ON TIME, YOUR STAY WILL BE cancelled.
People eat at fast food places because they are cheap. THAT It is ________ people eat at fast food places.
It is THE LOW PRICES THAT MAKES people eat at fast food places.
He met his future wife while eating a hamburger. WHILE It was ________ that he met his future wife.
It was WHILE HE WAS EATING A HAMBURGER that he met his future wife.
The rain resulted in Kim's camping trip being cancelled. CAUSED Rain ____________ Kim's camping trip.
Rain CAUSED THE CANCELLATION OF Kim's camping trip.
She ignored the warning signs. NOTICE She paid ________ to the warning signs.
She paid no notice to the warning signs.
She has no intention of losing any of her independence. LESS Becoming _________ in her plans.
Becoming (any) less independent is not in her plans.
It's too difficult for me to study when it is hot. IMPOSSIBLE Hot ________ for me to study.
Hot weather makes it impossible for me to study.
He first became famous as a painter. NAME He originally _____________ painter.
He originally made his name as a painter.
Due to the storm all fights were cancelled. RESULTED The storm ___________ flights.
The storm resulted in the cancellation of all flights.
I have no recollection of the accident. ANYTHING I can't ____________ the accident.
I can't remember anything about the accident.
I was on the point of quitting my job at the restaurant. TOWEL I was about _____________________ at the restaurant.
I was about to throw in the towel at the restaurant.
There is a strong possibility he will lose his job. DANGER He _____ his job.
He is in danger of losing his job.
The kids were ignoring their teacher ATTENTION The kids __________ their teacher.
The kids were not paying (any) attention to their teacher.