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Animal Talk

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sharks have a distinctive .... on their back.
Elephants have two long teeth called ....
Rhinos can have one or two ......
Cows and horses have .... at the end of their legs.
Bears have sharp ..... on their feet.
A pig has a large .... for a nose.
Deer have .... on their heads.
An elephant's nose is called a...
What sound does this animal make?
It whistles.
What sound does this animal make?
It roars.
What sound does this animal make?
It purrs.
What sound does this animal make?
It howls
What sound does this animal make?
It clicks
What sound does this animal make?
It chirrups
What sound does this animal make?
It chatters
What sound does this animal make?
It hisses
What sound does this animal make?
It grunts
What sound does this animal make?
It growls
What sound does this animal make?
It neighs
What sound does this animal make?
It buzzes
What sounds does this animal make?
It barks