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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There ___________ any cookies on the plate.
__________ there any water in the glass?
Are there _______________ apples in the basket?
There is _______ juice in the fridge. (any/no)
Boy: You seem unwell. ________ stay at home? Girl: Good idea. I think I will. (A. You should B. Why don't you C. How about you)
Why don't you
Boy: Are you okay, May? Girl: No, ________ (A. I’m not feeling well. B. I’m much better now. C. Everything’s fine.)
I’m not feeling well
Boy: I feel awful. What should I do? Girl: ________ (A. Why don’t you take a day off? B. You should see a doctor. C. You shouldn’t ignore it.)
Why don’t you take a day off
? / bread / any / counter / on / there / is / the
Is there any bread on the counter?
./ aren’t / any / apples / table / there / on / the
There aren’t any apples on the table.
./ juice / some / there / is / the / in / glass
There is some juice in the glass.
? / you / coffee / some / drink / don’t / why
Why don’t you drink some coffee?
./ school / shouldn’t / to / the / go / think / I
I think he shouldn’t go to the park.
Bread is a ________food in various country. They eat bread for every meal. (plate/ basic)
Although he eats a lot of food, he is ___________. (thin/ napkin)
The cakes are very _____________. I like to eat them. (topping/ delicious)
My brother visited ____________ countries in the world. (any/ various)
Do you like dessert? We like ____________ (sandwiches / ice cream / chicken).
ice cream
Would you like some drink? Yes, I would like __________ (fruit/ apple/ juice).