Edit Game
Lesson 7 : Restaurant Game

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What food is this?
It's grapefruit-ade. / Grapefruit
Q: ___ ___ your curry and rice? A: It's salty
How is
Q:What would you like to have? A: __ ____ to have pizza.
I'd like / I would like
May I _____ your order?
take / May I take your order?
How does it taste?
It's oily. / It's greasy.
How does it taste?
It's chewy.
How does it taste?
It's bitter.
How does it taste?
It's sweet. / It's yummy. / It's yucky
How does it taste?
It's spicy.
How does it taste?
It's salty.
How does it taste?
It's sour.
What food is this?
It's a burrito.
What food is this?
It's sushi.
What food is this?
It's fish and chips.
What food is this?
It's curry.
What food is this?
It's poutine.
How's your ______?
It's sweet. / It's sour.
How's your ______?
It's sweet.
How's your ______?
It's spicy.
How's your ______?
It's sweet.
How's your ______?
It's sour. / It's sweet.
What would you like to have?
I'd like to have fried rice. / I'd like fried rice.
What would you like to have?
I'd like to have fruit salad. / I'd like fruit salad.
What would you like to have?
I'd like to have lemonade. / I'd like lemonade.
What would you like to have?
I'd like to have spaghetti. / I'd like spaghetti.