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Review II

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Causes of high blood pressure
salt, stress, obesity
This produces antibodies to fight pathogens in the body.
What food doesn't need food labels
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Look at this on food labels for nutrients
Serving Size and # of servings
Normal blood pressure reading
GA mandates this program for those under 18 to get their license
3 Cs of conflict resolution
Cooperation, Communication, Compromise
Household cleaners can be this category of drugs
Failure to provide a child's needs
Components of the cardiovascular system
Blood, Heart, Blood Vessels
Nutrients lost during processing then adding it back
Adding nutrients to food that is not there
The body can not survive without this nutrient
What to look for during testicular exams
unusual lumps
Examples of fad diets...
atkins, south beach diet, paleo diet
Vegans may have trouble finding which nutrient?
Caused by damage to air sacs in the lungs
What category of drugs are heroin and morphine
Type of alcohol found in liquor
3 stages of stress
alarm, resistance, exhaustion
Characteristic of marijuana use...
slow reaction time and increased appetite
Cardiovascular means...
heart and blood vessels
What kinds of foods contain saturated fats...
fried foods, chips, cookies, etc
Eustress is also known as...
Good stress
Leading cause of death for teens
Car Accidents
Healthy way to lose weight...
Burn more calories than consumed