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Ways of Seeing US C

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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An important and enduring symbol, a sign or representation of a belief, community or cultural movement
An (art) icon
The mainstream idea of what art is, the opinions of gallery owners, institutions...
The (art) establishment
Used to describe something that has important new ideas, and also influences later works and developments
A group of artistic, literary or musical works that are accepted as good, important and worth studying.
A work (painting, film, book...) of outstanding artistry, skill or workmanship.
A person whose job it is to research and manage a collection, and to organise exhibitions.
When did conceptual art emerge? A )50s B) 60s C) 70s
Late 60s
Art that emphasizes ideas and theoretical practises rather than the creation of visual forms. Questions the notion of what art is.
Conceptual art
When did minimalism develop as an art form? A )50s B) 60s C) 70s
An art form using simple geometric forms, and materials such as fiberglass and aluminium
Minimalist art
When did installations develop as an art form? A )50s B) 60s C) 70s
Late 50s
A form of art which involves the creation of an aesthetic or sensory experience in a particular place. Often interactive.