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Animals Environment

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Which of these does not live in the polar region?
orca/killer whale
This environment is very hot and dry. There is a lot of sand. What is it?
This environment has many trees. It rains some but not a lot. It is hot in summer and cold in winter. What is it?
This environment is very cold, there is a lot of ice. It snows a lot. What is it?
Polar Region
Name 5 animals you want to learn more about.
Name as many animals as you can that live in Taiwan.
Bear, snake, bird, cow, horse, dolphin, whale, fish.
Name as many animals as you can that live as pets, in people's homes.
Cat, dog, turtle, bird, snake, hamster, mouse, fish,
Name as many animals as you can that live on farms.
Pig, cow, sheep, chicken, goose, horse, goat.
Name as many animals as you can that live in the grassland/savannah
Giraffe, elephant, crocodile, antelope, wildebeest, cheetah, snake, rhino, hippo.
Name as many animals as you can that live in the polar region.
Polar Bear, Whale, Shark, fish, penguin, seal, octopus, squid.
Name as many animals as you can that live in the rainforest/jungle.
orangutan, gorilla, monkey, snake, bird, fish, crocodile, bear, frog, lizard
Name as many animals as you can that live in the desert.
Camel, snake, mouse, rabbit, bird, scorpion
Name as many animals as you can that live in the ocean.
Whale, fish, octopus, shark, dolphin, squid, clam, oyster, starfish.
Name as many animals as you can that live in the forest.
Bear, Deer, Squirrel, Bird, Owl, Mouse, Snake...
What animal habitat is this?
grassland, savannah
What animal habitat is this?
Polar Region
What animal habitat is this?
Rainforest, jungle
What animal habitat is this?
What animal habitat is this?
What animal habitat is this?