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Butterfly's Life Cycle & Photosynthesis

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is another name for sugar?
What happens to the oxygen after process of photosynthesis?
It is released back into the atmosphere.
How do plants absorb water?
It is absorbed by the roots.
How do plants absorb sunlight?
It is absorbed by the chloroplasts in the leaves.
How many molecules of carbon dioxide are required in the process of photosynthesis?
How many molecules of water are required in the process of photosynthesis?
What does C6H12O6 mean?
Glucose or Sugar.
What does H2O mean?
What does CO2 mean?
Carbon Dioxide.
What does O2 mean?
What do plants need to start the process of photosynthesis?
Carbon Dioxide, Water and Sunlight.
What is the name of the last stage of the butterfly's life cycle?
Adult Butterfly.
What is the name of the third stage of the butterfly's life cycle?
Pupa or Chrysalis.
What is the name of the second stage of the butterfly's life cycle?
Caterpillar or Larva.
What is the name of the first stage of the butterfly's life cycle?
What happens in the last stage of the butterfly's life cycle?
An adult butterfly emerges.
What happens in the third stage of the butterfly's life cycle?
The caterpillar forms a chrysalis.
What happens in the second stage of the butterfly's life cycle?
The caterpillar hatches from an egg.
What happens in the first stage of the butterfly's life cycle?
The butterfly lays eggs.
How many stages does the butterfly life cycle have?
It has 4.