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English 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You are a manager. One of the employees in your department is at your desk. He / she doesn’t look well. Ask what’s wrong.
Tell a classmate about a time when you got hurt. Where were you? What were you doing? What happened?
You are at work. You don’t feel well and you think you should go home. Tell your manager how you feel.
Ask a classmate about the last meal he / she ate at a restaurant. Think of four or five questions to ask.
what? where? how?
Why didn’t you answer your phone? I ___ ___ outside and I didn’t hear it ring.
was working
What happened to Janet’s finger? She ___ ___ dinner and she cut it.
was making
Why weren’t you here yesterday? I had to stay home because my son __ ____ well.
wasn't feeling
Why are you so tired? We ____ ____ video games until 3:00 a.m.
were playing
Where was Sam this morning? He___ ____ with a client.
was meeting
What does Bert ___ ___ do today?
have to
We’re out of coffee. We’ll ___ ___ buy some more.
have to
I was sick yesterday. I __ ___ go home early.
had to
Frank has an earache. He ___ ___ see a doctor.
has to
Did you ___ ___ work late last night?
have to
I’m sorry, I can’t eat this. It’s____ too salty! a) little b)much
The soup is a little too hot ___ . You should wait a minute or two. a)for eating b)to eat
to eat
Iris won’t eat baklava. She says it’s much too sweet _____ her .
Could you bring me some water, please? This chili is a ___ spicy. A) little too b) much too
little too