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Independence Day

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They sing
the national anthem
They watchĀ 
They have
day parades.
How do Americans celebrate 4th of July?
They barbecue with family.
When is the Independence Day?
July 4th
The Statue of Liberty
stands for freedom
A cowboy
wears a hat
is a time of giving.
is a celebration of the harvest.
is a melting pot.
The bald eagle
is the national symbol.
is a popular sport.
The White House
is where the president lives.
George Washington
was the first president.
There are
fifty states.
A hotdog
is inside a bun.
A burgerĀ 
has many toppings.
The apple pieĀ 
is filled.
The flagĀ 
is red, white, and blue.
This is the United States of America (U.S.A)
It's capital is Washington DC.