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Seed 1 - Book B1 - CTP (ONLINE)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you think a tiger would make a good pet? Why or why not?
I think a tiger would/would not make a good pet because _________________.
What are two very important things for pets?
Two very important things for pets are: healthy diets and exercise.
What do you think happens if you give pets too many treats?
They will not be healthy anymore.
What treats are dangerous for dogs to eat?
Chocolate, grapes and avocados are dangerous for dogs to eat.
What would you like to name your pet?
I would like to name my pet _____________.
What kinds of pets do your family members like?
My mom likes _______. My dad likes________. My brother/sister likes _______.
What do puppies need a lot of?
Puppies need a lot of sleep.
What pet would you NOT want? Why?
I would not want a ________________ because ______________________.
How many pets do you have at home?
I have __________ pets at home.
What kind of pet do you want? Why?
I want a ________________ because ______________________.
What pet is it?
It's a turtle.
What pet is it?
It's a snail.
What pet is it?
It's a hamster.
What pet is it?
It's a fish.
What pet is it?
It's a dog.
What pet is it?
It's a cat.
What pet is it?
It's a bunny.
What pet is it?
It's a bird.