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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Find the adverb: they quickly ran.
Find the adverb: They disagreed strongly.
Find the adverb: She punched the wall hard.
Find the adverb: They froze fast.
Put an adverb in a correct place: They lift the table. (quick)
They quickly lift the table. or They lift the table quickly.
Put the adverb in a correct place: John pushed the man. (strong)
John strongly pushed the man or John pushed the man strongly.
Put the adverb in a correct place: They hunted a wild animal. (furious)
They furiously hunted a wild animal. or They hunted a wild animal furiously.
Put the adverb in a correct place: They were breathing. (heavily)
They were heavily breathing. or They were breathing heavily.
adjective or adverb: fast
adjective or adverb: well
adjective or adverb: very
adjective or adverb: hard
adjective or adverb: smart
adjective or adverb: slowly
Find the adverb: They are slow.
There is no adverb
Put an adverb in a correct place: Nick jumped out of bed. (quick)
Nick quickly jumped out of bed. or Nick jumped out of bed quickly.
Find a mistake: They ran fastly.
They ran fast.
Find a mistake: She answered friendlily.
She answered in a friendly manner
Find a mistake: Maria draws beautiful.
Maria draws beautifully.
Adjective or adverb? strong
Put the adverb in a correct place: He smashed the window. (angry)
He smashed the window angrily. or He angrily smashed the window .
Put the adverb in a correct place: James coughed to attract her attention. (loud)
James coughed loudly to attract her attention. or James loudly coughed to attract her attention.