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Energy conversion

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The graph below shows the changes in energy as Jolin swings from A to B to C and back again to A. What does each of the lines on the graph represent?
X: Kinetic energy Y: Gravitational Potential Energy
State the main energy change in the set-up.
Chemical potential energy, Heat, kinetic energy
Which type of energy that enable the planes to fly?
Kinetic energy
At which stage would the toy car possess the most potential energy?
Just wound up, ready to go.
State the energy change that takes place when the hammer is dropped on the pile.
GPE, KE, Heat and Sound
Write down the energy conversion that has taken place in the above experiment.
Complete the energy conversion from Position A to C by stating only the main energy involved.
GPE, KE + GPE, Heat and Sound
At which point(s) does the car have no kinetic energy?
A and F
State the energy conversion that takes place as the ball moves from the top of the ramp to the bottom and just before hitting the small box.
Gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy.
At which point, A, B or C, does the metal bob possess the most amount of gravitational potential energy?
A and C