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Sex And the City Episode 1

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How does Carrie go back home after clubbing?
Mr Big takes her home.
Where is he going?
He is going to Chaos, the nightclub.
What is the Ross Bleckner?
A painting.
Where did Carrie first meet Mr Big?
They met in the street.
What kind of relationship does he want?
A relationship without commitment.
Why does Miranda get mad at Skipper?
Because his hand is on her knee.
Why can’t Charlotte go to Chaos?
Because she has a date.
Where is he meeting Miranda?
In Chaos, a nightclub.
Who is he?
Carrie’s ex.
Where is the only place one can find love according to him?
In the gay community.
What is Samantha’s advice?
To go out and just have sex like a man.
Is Samantha in a committed relationship?
Whose birthday is it?
How does Miranda see men?
As self-centered and unappreciative.
Why don’t women have serious relationships according to him?
Because of their expectations.
What is missing in Manhattan according to Skipper?
Romance, the space for romance
What do you have to do if you want to have a relationship according to Charlotte?
You have to keep your mouth shut and play by the rules.
What’s the problem between men and women according to Charlotte?
Most men are threatened by successful women.
Why do people get married according to him?
To have kids.
How do relationships work for him?
The mid-30s power flip.
According to Carrie… what’s the problem with women in New York?
They are alone.
Why is she angry?
Because he didn’t call her.
Where do they go together?
They go to see houses for sale.
Where is she from?
She is from London.
Where do they meet?
In an art gallery.