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Current events july1

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In which city were the first modern Olympics held?
Athens, Greece
Who is the founder and chairman of Amazon? .
Jeffrey P. Bezos
Which city is the Eiffel Tower located in?
What is Superman's real name?
Kal El.
Where did yoga originate from?
What decade is the hit single 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' by Nirvana from?
Name three countries that begin with the letter A?
Angola, Argentina, Albania
Which part of the US is suffering a heat wave?
The Earth's five oceans are the ______________, Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic Ocean.
Until the 13th Amendment was passed, Delaware, ______________, Missouri, and Kentucky still practiced slavery.
Juneteenth commemorates the day the last enslaved people ______________.
learned slavery was outlawed
In ______________ President Ulysses S. Grant agreed to the monument celebrating Franco-American friends
The smaller statue was created from the ______________ of the plaster prototype of the original.
3-D scan
he replica of the statue is about ______________ the size of the original.
_____________ will be displayed on Ellis Island from July 1 through 5th, 2021.
Little Sister
A smaller replica of the Statue of Liberty will arrive in New York City in time for ______________.
4th of July