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Berber people of Tunisia
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What do the Berbers use the animals for?
Meat, milk, fur
What animals do the Berber people have?
Cows, goats, sheep.
Which country do the Berbers live in?
Which continent do the Berbers live in?
What jobs do the women of the village have?
They take care of the children and make things using the animal fur.
What jobs do the men of the village have?
They take care of the animals.
Why do the Berbers build homes underground?
Because it is cooler underground and it protects the Berbers from the strong wind of the desert.
What do the Berbers eat?
Couscous with meat and vegetables.
What colour do they paint the walls? Why?
White, because it makes the rooms brighter.
What is the same between your house and the Berber houses?
What is different between your house and the Berber house?
How do the Berbers build their houses?
They dig a large pit in the ground and then they dig out rooms.
Where do the Berbers make their houses?