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This STD can cause brain damage if it isn't treated.
Which STD can no longer be treated by penicillin?
Which STD has 3 stages?
Which STD is characterized by scar tissue buildup in the fallopian tubes?
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Which STD is characterized by painful blisters?
herpes 2
Which is the most common STD?
Which STD is there a vaccine for?
hepatitis B and HPV
Which STD can cause liver damage?
hepatitis B
This STD can be treated with lotions, shampoos, or creams.
Pubic lice
This STD gives off a thick, white or yellow discharge.
Chancres (painless reddish brown sores) are present with which STD?
Name a STD that is viral?
hepatitis B, herpes 2, genital warts