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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does once in blue moon mean?
once in a blue mean that somethings happens rarely. I just like to play around every once in a blue moon and have a bit of fun with music.
What does time will tell mean?
used for saying that you will know in the future whether something is true or right Time will tell whether he made the right choice.
What does right up your street mean?
Right Up Your Street Meaning: within your range of interests/knowledge. This place sounds right up my street, I’m going to book it for next summer.
What does it mean to steer clear?
To Steer Clear Meaning: to avoid something/somebody Example: If you are not a fan of the hot weather, steer clear of this area in the summer months. Since c
What does it mean to get into the swing of things?
To Get Into The Swing Of Something Meaning: to become accustomed to something and start enjoying it
What does run of the mill mean?
Run-Of-The-Mill Meaning: ordinary and unexciting place Example: I’m really tired of the same run-of-the-mill holiday places.
What does it mean to take things easy?
To Take Things Easy Meaning: to relax Example: After a lot of persuading he finally agreed that we both needed time to take things easy for a bit.
What does it mean to get on your soapbox?
If someone on their soapbox, they hold forth (talk a lot) about a subject they feel strongly about.
What does it mean to tow the line?
If someone tows the line, they follow and respect the rules and regulations.
What is the salt of the earth?
Salt of the Earth Salt of the earth refers to people who are humble, clean-living, and moral. Example: The villagers are the salt of the earth. They work hard
What does it mean to have a close call?
Have a Close Call:To have a close call means to narrowly dodge a sure and serious danger. Example: Firefighters had a close call when they were able to run ou
What is a "devil -may-care attitude"?
Devil-May-Care Attitude A devil-may-care attitude is a way of behaving and thinking that is at ease, sometimes too at ease. Example: She used to have a devil-
What is a baptism of fire?
Baptism by fire is an idiom that refers to a difficult experience that a person, who is new to a group, has to go through. Example: The new recruit had a bapt
What is a blessing in disguise?
A Blessing in Disguise Something awful that somehow leads to something wonderful is said to be a blessing in disguise. Example: Her being fired from that comp
What is a goody two shoes?
someone who always tries to please people in authority