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B2 - Quick Opinions

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give three separate reasons why Fast food should be banned from schools.
"Producing goods that last for a long time is better than goods that are cheap." Support this position (40+ words)
"Spending money on helping the environment is better than on helping people." Support this position (40+ words)
"Spending money on local environmental projects is better than on large government projects." Support this position (40+ words)
"Exercise can be bad for physical and mental health." - Support this position (40+ words)
"People in some jobs get paid too much money." - Support this position (40+ words)
"Rich countries have a responsibility to help poorer countries." - Support this position (40+ words)
"I believe parks are bad for children." - Support this position (40+ words)
Give three results of making fast food and sugary drinks available in schools.
Give three results of continuing to rely on fossil fuels.
Give three results of a culture having a high meat diet.
Give three causes of why there are fewer females working in science and technology than men.
Give three causes of why the population in Japan is decreasing.
Give three causes of why fewer people are living in countryside areas.
Give three causes of why more and more species are going extinct every year.
Give three disadvantages of social media.
Give three disadvantages of moving all education online in the future.
Give three disadvantages of increasing the use of AI in business.
Give three advantages of watching movies from other countries.
Give three advantages of social media.
Give three advantages of moving all education online in the future.
Give three advantages of increasing the use of AI in business.