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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the opposite of "compliment"?
What is the opposite of "heaven"?
What is the opposite of "moist"?
How many countries are there in the world (to the nearest 10)?
a large cup with straight sides used for hot drinks
a tool consisting of a wide, square metal or plastic blade, usually with slightly raised sides, attached to a handle, for moving loose material such as sand, coal, or snow
a small object with three or four points and a handle, that you use to pick up food and eat with
what do Americans say instead of "trainers"
what do Americans say instead of "biscuit"
what do Americans say instead of "lift"
what do Americans say instead of "Flat"
Eyes, sour, yellow
Brown, white, water
Long, orange, rabbit
Halloween, carve, candle
milk, sour, white
Let's ____ the knot.
Let's tie the knot. To tie the knot means to get married.
it's a ____ in the bucket
it's a drop in the bucket
Actions _____ louder than words.
Actions speak louder than words. Actions don't have mouths, therefore they can't say anything. This expression can be used anytime someone's actions don't match
It's a _____ of cake.
It's a piece of cake. Something easily done
I have no arms or legs, but my tongue is very long. I have a long, skinny body. I like to hide in the grass. What am I?
A snake!
I am a very big monkey. I have big hands and feet, and I am very strong. I also like to eat bananas. What am I?
A gorilla
I live in a very cold place filled with lots of ice. I am black and white. I look like a bird, but I can't fly! What am I?
A penguin!
I am large. My skin is gray. I have a long nose. What am I?
An elephant!