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Triceratops Quiz

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Was the triceratops fast or slow compared to the other dinosaurs?
How much did a triceratops weigh? (100 kg, 1,000 kg, 11,000 kg)
11,000 kg
Do you weigh more than a triceratops?
No - the triceratops weighed almost 11,000 kg!
How long is the triceratops?
around 9 m
How tall is the triceratops?
around 2.5m
A triceratops is bigger than a modern city bus?
What is a herbivore?
A dinosaur that only eats plants.
What other animals did the triceratops eat?
None - it was a herbivore.
Did the triceratops live in North America or Europe?
North America!
How many horns does a triceratop have?
Is this a triceratops?
Is this a triceratops?
Is this a triceratops?
Is this a triceratops?
Who has a bigger head - a human or a triceratops?
Triceratops! (obviously) :)
The triceratops was alive around ... (1 million / 70 millions / 300 millions)
70 million years ago