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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Scientists f... an anthill in Japan that had 300 million ants.
Ants live and work t...
What do bees use hives for?
They live in the hives and they store their honey.
There are so big insects that they can eat ...
The leaf bug and walking sticks' shape and color can help keep them s...
Can you guess what this insect is called?
It is called a leaf bug.
Why is it called a walking stick?
Because it looks like a stick.
What does caterpillar change into?
It changes into a butterfly.
Can some insects change shape? Give an example.
Yes, they can. Caterpillar.
Why is it called the giraffe weevil?
Because they both have long necks.
Its head is shaped like a ...
Insects also have ... body parts.
How many legs and antenna do insects have?
They have six legs and two antenna.