Edit Game
Science Unit 5

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did you learn about saving natural resources?
What did you learn about saving natural resources?
Does throwing your old face mask into the river help the earth or hurt the earth?
It hurts.
Does taking a reusable shopping back to the supermarket help the earth or hurt the earth?
It helps.
Does throwing away a broken toy help the earth or hurt the earth?
It hurts.
Does recycling plastic bottles help the earth or hurt the earth?
It helps.
What kind of pollution does the picture show, water pollution or air pollution?
Air pollution
What kind of pollution does the picture show, water pollution or air pollution?
Water pollution
Soil is made up of h _ _ _ _ _ and three other things. (5-letter word)
Soil is made up of w _ _ _ _ and three other things. (5-letter word)
Soil is made up of _ _ _ _ and three other things. (4-letter word)
Soil is made up of _ _ _ and three other things. (3-letter word)
_____________ is a natural resource. We breathe it.
_____________ is a natural resource. We use it to build houses and roads.
_____________ is a natural resource. We grow food in it.
_____________ is a natural resource. We drink it.
All the ________ is taken to the landfill.
garbage | trash
Should you put the apple core or water bottle in the compost bin?
apple core
Which shopping bag us best to reuse? A plastic bag or a fabric bag?
A fabric bag
How would you reduce the water you use when brushing your teeth?
Use a cup or turn off the tap when brushing
Name two things you would recycle?
Anything made of metal, paper, glass or plastic.
Does reduce mean "use less" or "use more"?
Use less
Would you reuse a shopping bag or a soda can?
a shopping bag
Can you recycle an apple core or newspaper or banana peel?