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Present Perfect Continuous Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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been / He / making / not not / mistake
He has not been making mistake.
eating / Walu / at ABC canteen / been / Has / lunch / ?
Has Walu been eating lunch at ABC canteen?
for / been / I / 2 hours / thinking / have
I have been thinking for 2 hours.
I ________________________ (not/consider) our new project.
I have not been considering our new project.
She __________________ (study) abroad since last two years.
She has been studying abroad since last two years.
Hanna ___________________ (not/practice) her English since last year.
Hanna has not been practicing her English since last year.
They have been dancing for 30 minutes.
Have they been dancing for 30 minutes? / How long have they been dancing?
You have been working at ABC company.
Have you been working at ABC company? / Where have you been working?
Jason has been studying in Thailand for two years.
Has Jason been studying in Thailand for two years? / How long has Jason been studying in Thailand?
We_____________________ (not/drink) enough water - that's why we feel tired.
We have not been drinking enough water - that's why we feel tired.
They___________________ (not/live) here for very long.
They have not been living here for very long.
Susan ____________________ (not/speak) to me since we had an argument.
Susan has not been speaking to me since we had an argument.
I _______________________ (try) to call him since yesterday.
I have been trying to call him since yesterday.
She ____________________ (go) to the cinema every weekend for a year.
She has been going to the cinema every weekend for a year.
We ___________________ (live) in London for six months.
We have been living in London for six months.
He __________________ (work) here for five years.
He has been working here for five years.