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Review (Interchange Intro B U9-U11)

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete with a, an, some or any: A: What do we need for breakfast? B: Let's see. We need _____ milk.
Complete with a, an, some, any A: Do we have _____________ carrots? B: No, we don’t. Let’s get _____________ .
any /some
Complete: A: ______ you play the violin? B: No, I can't.
A: What _____ you going to do this Valentine's day? B: I am going to the cinema with my boyfriend.
A: Can Pedro design websites? B: No, he ______. He is a terrible web designer.
A: What is your family going to do for the holidays? B: We ____ going to visit my uncle and aunt.
A: ________ do you play soccer? B: I play soccer at the club
A: ________ sports do you play? B: I play volleyball and basketball
A: ________ do you play basketball with? B: I play with my school team.
A: ________ do you practice? B: We practice five days a week.
How often
A: ________ do you practice? B: We practice on Monday mornings.
I never have _______. I can't eat anything at night.
Martha is very musical. She can ______ the piano.
Pedro is very good with animals. He can _____ a horse really well.
What is the odd one out? apples - blueberries - carrots - bananas
What is the odd one out? broccoli - carrots - lettuce - pasta
A: Are you ______ travel this Carnival? B: Yes, I'm going to Salvador.
going to
Ana is a mechanic. She _____ fix cars.
Put in the correct order: (eat / you / what / time / do / dinner / usually)
What time do you usually eat dinner?
Put in the correct order: (something / you / never / what’s / dinner / have / for)
What's something you never have for dinner.
Put in the correct order: (lunch / always / do / hamburgers / for / they / eat)
Do they always eat hamburguers for lunch?