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Wreck it ralph
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What type of sweet does Ralph dislike?
Vanellope says that she is not a glitch, she just has.....
Who is this bad guy?
What are the clouds made of in Sugar Rush?
Cotton candy / Candy floss
What are the trees made of in Sugar Rush?
Candy canes
Where do all the characters live?
The arcade
What does Ralph want to win?
A medal
What creature escapes Hero's Duty
A Cybug
Qbert informs Fix It Felix that Ralph has gone "........"
Where does Ralph live?
The dump
Who lives here?
King Candy
Whose race car is this
What does Ralph try to Wreck in his video game
The building
Who is this character
Sergeant Calhoun
What is the name of the city that Ralph and Felix live in
What does Felix use to fix things
Golden hammer
What Game do these characters come from in Wreck it Ralph
Sugar Rush Racing
What is her name
The ruler of Sugar Rush is named...
King Candy
Who is this character
Fix it Felix
Who is this character
Ralph or Wreck it Ralph