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Causes of the US Civil War part 1

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Who won the election of 1860, which caused Southern states to secede?
Abraham Lincoln
Who would be seen as a hero in the North and a Villain
John Brown
Why did Dred Scott claim he should not be a slave?
He was brought into free states and territories and therefore should not have been a slave there.
Did the Supreme Court decide to free Dred Scott?
The Dred Scott Case ruled what compromise unconstitutional?
Missouri Compromise
Stephen Douglas wanted the transcontinental railroad to go through his home state of?
What new political party was created as a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
People who crossed the border of Kansas and illegaly voted for slavery were called what?
Border Ruffians
Who was the Senator from Massachusetts beaten with a cane for talking poorly about another Senator and about slavery.
Charles Sumner
Who led a raid in Kansas and hacked pro-slavery people, leaving their mutilated bodies out for others to see.
John Brown
The Kansas-Nebraska Act did away with what compromise passed in 1820?
Missouri Compromise
Who came up with the idea and helped pass the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
Stephen Douglas
What was Henry Clay's nickname?
The Great Compromiser
In the Compromise of 1850 how was the issue of slavery going to be decided in the Utah and New Mexico territories?
Popular Sovereignty (voting)
The person who spoke for the south and was opposed to the Compromise of 1850?
John C. Calhoun
In the Compromise of 1850 a border dispute was settled between Texas and what territory?
New Mexico
a runaway slave
False or misleading information in order to further a cause
Identifying with or having loyalty to a region or state instead of the country as a whole
To break away from or leave
Who was the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin?
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Why did the Wilmot Proviso not pass in the Senate?
There were an equal number of slave and free states
The Missouri Compromise line that separated free from slave only applied where?
In the Louisiana Purchase Territory
In the Compromise of 1850 what happened with the slave trade in Washington DC?
It was abolished (but Congress could not ban slave trade between slave states)
In the Compromise of 1850 what free state was added?
Who won the election of 1848 and became president?
Zachary Taylor
Who was the Free Soil candidate in the election of 1848?
Martin Van Buren
What new political party was formed because Democrats and Whigs would not state their ideas about what they wanted to do with slavery?
Free Soil Party
David Wilmot came up with a proposal to ban slavery from all lands gained from what country?
Who was the person that came up with the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850?
Henry Clay
According to the Missouri Compromise what was the line of latitude that separated free from slave?
36 30
Under the Missouri Compromise which state was added as a free state?