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Adding and Subtracting Decimals Word Problems

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Farmer Joe has 12.4 acres of land. He uses 4.5 acres of land for growing fruits and 6.1 acres of land for growing vegetables. How much land does he have left to use?
He has 1.8 acres of land left to use.
The distance between the farm and downtown is 14.8 km, and the distance between the farm and farmer's market is 18.4 km. Is the farm closer to downtown or the farmer’s market?
The farm is closer to downtown.
The price for pumpkin last year is $1.40 per kilogram. The price for pumpkin this year is increased by $0.80 per kilogram. What is the price for pumpkin this year?
The price for pumpkin this year is $2.20 per kilogram.
The birch tree outside the farm is 3.5 meters tall. The pine tree is 5.4 meters tall. The maple tree is 1.1 meter taller than the birch tree. Which is taller, the maple tree or the pine tree?
The maple tree is 4.6 meters tall so the pine tree is taller.
. On a farm, the farmer harvested 30.7 crates of apples and 27.9 crates of oranges. How much more crates of apples are harvested?
2.8 more crates of apples are harvested.
There are two containers of butter. The blue container has 10.6 oz. butter and the green container has 9.9 oz butter. Which container has less butter?
The green container has less butter.
The chef filled a big pot with 3.7 cups of water and filled a smaller pot with 7.3 cups of water. Which pot has more water?
The smaller pot has more water.
There are 19.3 cups of flour in a bag. The chef uses 2.9 cups for making cookies. Then, he uses 1.2 cups of sugar and 5.1 cups of flour for making banana bread. How many cups of flour are left?
11.3 cups of flour are left.
The chef is making 10.5 batches of dinner rolls. For each batch, he kneaded dough for 0.7 hours and let the dough rest for 1.6 hours. Then he baked the dough for 0.4 hours. How long does it take to make each batch of dinner rolls?
It takes 2.7 hours to make the dinner rolls.
The chef took out 54.8 g of butter but then found out that he took out 6.9 g of butter more than he need. How much butter did he need?
He needs 47.9 g of butter.
There are 4.5 litres of milk in a pot. The chef stirs in 2.5 g of salt and 1.2 litres of water. How much liquid is in the pot?
There are 5.7 litres of milk.