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CEC G4B lesson 18 A Drop of Water

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sumarize the water cycle. p 445
evaporation, condensation, precipitaion
When water is refracted how does it look? page 443
like a rainbow
How does water affect light? p 443
Water refracts or bends the light.
How is frost like dew?
It is the same as dew but the temperature is much colder and it freezes instead of creating drops.
What is dew?
Water that condenses on surfaces outside when the air temperature drops at night.
On page 441, what adjectives does the author use that express his feelings about the snowflakes? Find at least 3
astonishing, elaborate, unique, intricate
Describe how snowflakes are formed. p 438
water condenses on particles in the air at very low temperatures creating ice crystals.
Look at the last paragraph on page 438. What is the text structure?
Explain the experiment on page 437 in your own words.
water condenses on the salt include more details
What are pollen and soot and what do they have to do with clouds? p 436
Pollen is the yellow dust produced by flowers. Soot are tiny particles that come from a fire. They both give water molecules a place to condens
Describe the experiment found on page 435.
The drops inside the cup do not evaporate because they are not in contact with the larger mass of air.
What is condensation and how does it form? p 434
water vapor in the air comes in contact with a cool surface and condenses.
Restate the steps in producing steam. (last paragraph on page 433)
should include droplets
Use details from page 432 to describe how ice is formed.
lose energy
On page 431 why are the photos arranged in sequence order?
to show clearly how one drop of water moves through the glass.
Look at the second paragraph on page 432. How is the text structured?
Look at the second paragraph on page 430, how is the text structured?
It is in sequence order.
Can you give two meanings for the word drop?
to let something fall and a small amount
On pages 428-429, how do the photographs relate to the title?
Student's Answer