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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What action and sound do we use for "ion"
Stretch like you're yawning and say "YUUUUUUHHHHHHNNNNN!"
Tell us a word that has "gh" at the beginning of the word
Which letters like to make prank phone calls when they're together?
Tell us one word that uses "qu"
The letters ey - ay are just too cool! What sound do they make? (you can do the action too!)
What two letters look like owl eyes when they stand together? And they sound like one too!
au - aw have a big crush on each other, and whenever they stand right next to each other in a word they get so shy. What sound do they make?
Which word uses the sound a car makes when you slam on the brakes: tire or bird
When two vowels go walking, which one does the talking?
The first one!
Which word uses Sneaky Y: July or yellow
What is a babysitter vowel?
Any vowel that's one letter away from another vowel. It tells any vowel that's one letter away so SAY IT'S NAME!
Which word uses Mommy E: baker or runner?
Where can you find Mommy E in a word?
At the end of a word, or one letter away from another vowel
What superhero letter is being used in this word: bike
Superhero I
What super hero in disguise is in this word: tap
Super hero A in disguise
What power do the super hero letters have, that no other letters have?
What letters are the super heroes of the alphabet?
A, E, I, O, U