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ENG3 M5: Story Time

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why Kelly's parents are angry?
(Any acceptable answer)
Why it is important to clean after playtime?
(Any acceptable answer)
Why it is important to clean after playtime?
(Any acceptable answer)
Why it is important to clean after playtime?
(Any acceptable answer)
What is the moral value of this story?
Be responsible and always pick up your things after playtime.
Frame 6: Who is angry?
Kelly's parents.
Frame 6: What's on the floor?
Crisps and sweets.
Frame 6: Who is in the living room?
Kelly's parents.
Frame 6: Is there a ghost in the living room?
No, there isn't.
Frame 5: Where is the noise coming from?
The living room.
Frame 5: What do they think it is?
The ghost.
Frame 5: What do the children hear?
A noise.
Frame 4: Is there any cheese in the fridge?
Yes, there is.
Frame 4: What are they doing?
They're making sandwiches.
Frame 4: Where are the children?
In the kitchen.
Frame 3: What does Kelly want to do?
Go to the kitchen and get some food.
Frame 3: Is there a ghost behind the bookcase?
No, there isn't.
Frame 3: Who looks behind the bookcase?
Frame 2: Whose slipper is it?
Frame 2: What does Emily find under the armchair?
A slipper.
Frame 1: What are the children doing?
They are eating crisps and sweets.
Frame 1: What are Kelly's parents doing?
They're watching TV.
Frame 1: Where are Kelly's parents?
They're upstairs.
Frame 1: Where are the children?
At Kelly's house. / In the living room.