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Who did Ally talk about to her father?
Albert, Keisha and Shay.
Who are Travis, Ally and their mum talking to in chapter 32? How?
father, by Skype.
Why is Ally good at art?
She thinks in pictures.
What are learning difficulties?
Different ways or time to learn things.
How did Ally find playing chess? easy or difficult? Why?
Easy because she likes planning her moves.
Who is Ms. Keller?
The reading consultant at school who tests Ally.
What did Mr. Daniels say about why Ally finds school difficult? What will he do about it?
She has dyslexia. Mr. Daniels will help her to learn to read.
Why did Ally run away from the museum?
Shay bullied her and she couldn´t stand it anymore.
Why did Ally accept to stay after class?
because she won´t do any homework
What did Mr. Daniels offer Ally to do after class?
play chess
Why did Albert drink all the milk?
He doesn´t have any at home, only water.
What was Ally´s job when Keisha, Albert and her were cooking?
reading the recipe
Why was Ally in the bathroom?
She was sad because she doesn´t fit in.
Who went to find Ally? Where was her?
Keisha, in the toilet.
What did Ally think about this prize?
It is a pity prize
Why did Ally get an award?
a Nature poem
What surprised Ally about Shay´s friendship bracelets?
She sells them
Who did Ally write about when she was supposed to write about a fictional character?
Roy G Biv
What is the difference between alone and lonely?
alone: you want to lonely: you don´t want to
How does Ally remember new words?
mind movies
What was the purple colour made of according to Albert?
snail snot
What is the purple colour used for according to Shay?