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How well do you know the class?

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you name a teacher who has children?
Some of them
Do you know a single teacher?
some of them...
Name a person who practises tennis.
Good tennis set, bro!
Name a person who plays handball.
The best sport ever!!!
Name a person whose father/mother works at the Bank.
Name a person whose father/mother works at a hospital.
WOW !! You really know it well!!!
Who is the oldest in class?
The teacher....of course!!
Name a classmate whose favourite food is PAELLA.
Name two people whose favourite subject is English....
OMG !! I´m sweating....uops!
Who do you think is the naughtiest classmate?
Name a classmate who has got a boyfriend or girlfriend.
Which teacher from ESO is not from Barcelona ?
Agnés, Irene, Erike, Arantxa
Can you name anyone whose favourite subject is ART & CRAFTS ?
Who is going to travel to the village on holidays?
Who is going to travel to the beach this summer?
How many people has been confined this year?
Tell me a person who loves reading.
Can you tell me who is into photography in this class?
Name a person who is mad about comics.
Who has ever been in London? Name two classmates
_______ and _____
Name a word in English that contains all the vowels (a,e,i,o,u)...
How many people in class have got two brothers?
How many months have got 31 days ?
January, March, May,July, August,October and December
Name three people who have got a pet dog.
_________, ________ and _________