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Gerund / Infintive

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I managed _____ (stay) awake until 3 in the morning.
to stay
Do you mind ____ (take) it with you?
I don't feel like ____ (do) it.
Most criminals deny ___________ (commit) the crimes they are accused of.
Mr. Fish does not tolerate __________ (cheat) during an examination.
Dan is expected __________ (lose) every race he enters from now to eternity.
to lose
Please don't forget __________ (feed) the baby. She needs to eat every two hours.
to feed
Try to do it without __________ (make) too much noise.
I don't mind _________ (do) the washing up.
I'm thinking of ____________ (have) a party on Saturday.
I'm going to the store ________ (buy) some milk.
to buy
I'd like _________ (go) swimming this afternoon.
to go
I like __________ (pay) my bills online.
to pay
We stopped _____________ (drink) the water when we realized it came straight from the river.
It was hot so we stopped __________ (drink) some water.
to drink
They managed ______________ (escape) by climbing out of the window.
to escape
My mom is good at ________________ (prepare) delicious cakes.
He told him _____________ (keep) quiet and finish his task.
to keep
I hate _____________ (have to) get up early.
having to / to have to
I look forward _______________ (see) you at the conference next month.
to seeing