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In what year did our poet pass away?
Bruce Dawe is affectionately labelled 'the poet of ......'
Unscramble these words: C U B R E W A E D
Bruce Dawe
Unscramble this key word: I T Y TU F L I
Unscramble this key word: R T A L I Y T U B
Unscramble this key word: G N E M A I N I D S U H
Name the technique for the definition: words that are spelled the way they sound.
Fill in the blank: "_______ tremble like _________ from a ___________"
"telegrams tremble like leaves from a wintering tree"
In 'Homecoming' how does Dawe emphasise the large number of soldiers who died? MUST QUOTE
Through the imagery of the bodies "piled on the hulls of Grants, in trucks, in convoys"
What is the impact of the "mute salute" given to the returned soldiers in 'Homecoming'?
Emphasises how there is no celebration/acknowledgement of their sacrifice for their country.
Name the technique. What is it called when you use a series of commas to intentionally slow the flow of writing.
Name one rhetorical question used in 'Weapons Training'.
Variety of answers.
What is the word starting with 'd' that is used to describe the way the drill sergeants tirade of abuse?
Diatribe / dramatic monologue.
'Weapons Training' can be described as a _________ monologue. Fill in the blank.
A dramatic monologue
Name the term for the definition. Comparing two objects using the words 'like' or 'as'.
What technique is it when you asked question without wanting a reply?
Rhetorical question
Identify the mistakes in the sentence: bruce dawe's poem homecoming is about war.
Bruce Dawe's poem 'Homecoming' is about war.
Name the technique in the line: "because of your position your chance of turning the key in the ignition"
Fill in the missing word: "blue curve of the Pacific with ________ quick fingers"
What connotations do we associate with the word 'home'?
Safety, belonging, family, comfort.
What is the significance of the title 'Homecoming'. What technique is it?
The title is ironic as a homecoming is usually a joyous celebration, instead this homecoming brings grief.
What does the "sterile housing" represent?
The dead soldiers coffins.
What technique is this? "They're bringing them home, too late, too early"?
Provide a definition for emotive language.
Emotive language is the term used to describe when certain words are used to evoke an emotional response.
What technique is used in the line "tripes are round your neck"?
Which war are these poems about?
The Vietnam War.
Provide a definition of 'personification'.
The attribution of human characteristics to something inhuman.
In 'Homecoming', what is the technique called when the same word is repeated at the start of consecutive lines?
What technique is this? "the coasts swing upwards, the old ridiculous curvatures of earth, the knuckled hills"
What technique is this - "You're dead, dead, dead"?
"All day, day after day, they're bringing them home" - what technique is used in this line?
"piled on the hulls of Grants, in trucks, in convoys" - what technique is used in this line?