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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Olivia's favorite question?
Can we have a break? Will you release us?
Who is the Union President?
What does Maaseiah hate to fill out?
job applications
What is Jaden's favorite day of the week?
What do Olivia and Mrs. Donovan wear each Friday?
Tie Dye
What is Jaden Church's nickname?
Depends on the shirt he is wearing
What is the one word we can't say during class or Durelle will sign out?
Don't say it!!!
How manys hours did Versone sleep during the school?
Almost all of them!
What was your favorite part of this school year?
Please share with us!
What is Jayden A's favorite instrument?
Belly Bongo!
What is the name of the dog Olivia walks?
How many names does Maaseiah type in the chat?
What is Durelle's nickname?
Handsome face
Who kept their camera off the most?
What website do my students sneak onto during class?
What is Olivia's favorite animal?
What is Durelle's favorite rule?
Wait your turn.
What is Versone's favorite game?
Fortnite or Minecraft
How does Jayden A feel most days?
Goofy or silly
What is Jaden Church's least favorite song?
Baby Come Back.
What is Maaseiah's favorite ice cream?
Cookies and Cream