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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 5 adjectives that are important as a friend.
empathy, funny person, comprehensible, open-minded...
Name this that make you happy
singing, meeting friends...
Name 5 things do do
the laundry, dishes, business, your bed, the shopping, your work...
Name the different habitat of animals
the savannah, jungle, rainforest...
Things that you admire from a teacher.
please...say something nice!
Name things that you make
a mistake, a phone call, breakfast, money, sure, tea...
What animal is a flamingo?
a bird
Where do you take your notes?
a paper, a folder, a portfolio, a notebook
Can you name 5 mammals?
dolphin, a lion, an elephant, a dog, a tiger...
Who has got a canary / bird at home?
who knows...
Who comes to school by bus?
some people...
Where can you find a hammer and a screwdriver at school?
At the techno lab
Name 5 toys.
a teddy bear, a scooter, a doll, a bike, a rope
Can you name 5 buildings in the city?
police station, underground, a church, a park, a hairdresser´s...
Can you name 5 instruments?
a bass, the drums, a violin, a guitar, a flute...
Can you name 5 pieces of clothing?
a sweater, gloves, socks, a jacket, an overall..
Name a person who hasn´t failed any subject this semester.
maybe you...
Who is going to attend a concert this Summer?
May be...you!
Who is going to travel abroud?
Who knows...
What´s the favourite colour of your English teacher?
Name two classmate whose birthday is in Summer
who knows...
Name two teachers living out of Barcelona
Some of them