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What does the season winter symbolise? What reference to this in 'Homecoming' does Dawe make?
Death, darkness, end of life. "leaves from a wintering tree".
How are the dead soldiers categorised in 'Homecoming'?
By being labelled only by their haircuts.
Why does the drill sergeant belittle the new recruits?
Asserts his own authority; make them fearful of him; put them in their place.
What does it mean to be 'ruthless'? In which poem is this idea explored?
Showing no pity or compassion for others. 'Weapons Training'.
What does 'sorrowful' mean?
Feeling/showing/causing grief and intense sadness.
What are "their shadows" in 'Homecoming'?
The spirits of the soldiers.
How does Dawe want the reader to feel about war in 'Homecoming'?
Variety of answers.
Why do the families in 'Homecoming' feel bitter?
They are angry and hurt at the unjust loss of their loved ones?
What connotations does the word 'home' have?
Safety, love, connection, belonging.
Once we have referred to Bruce Dawe in his entirety, how else can we refer to him?
When we see the word 'how' in a question, it is asking us to identify what?
Techniques used in a text
How are the families connected in 'Homecoming'?
By the loss of their loved ones through the "wide web of suburbs".
What is the effect of the word "mob" in 'Weapons Training'?
Image of pack, animals, threat.
What does the "frozen sunset" symbolise in 'Homecoming'?
How grief has paused the lives of the families who have lost loved ones.
'Weapons Training' is filled with slang references to sex and male genitals. Give one example.
"old crown-jewels", "cockpit drill" etc.
In 'Weapons Training', how does Dawe show that war is violent? Must quote!
"Tripes round your neck" etc.
Why does 'Weapons Training' have little punctuation throughout?
Dawe wants the reader to feel overwhelmed by the onslaught from the drill sergreant.
What is the effect of the repetition in the line "You're dead, dead, dead"?
Reality of war: alive one moment, dead the next.
What technique is used in 'Weapons Training' that ensures it is fast paced and mimics the quick speech of the drill sergeant?
Who is the narrator in 'Weapons Training'?
The drill sergeant.
What are three themes explored in 'Weapons Training'?
Realities of war, attitudes of soldiers towards enemy, degrading treatment of soldiers.
What technique is used in this line and what does it mean: "the noble jets are whining like hounds"?
A simile - the pain of the journey home.
The sorrowful tone of 'Homecoming' implies
The war has ended with death for no purpose
The solders are sad
The war was worth fighting
That war is empowering
The opening line of 'Homecoming' suggests ("All day, day after day, they're bringing them home")
The meaningless collection from battle and returned home
They are being chosen to fight on the front line
The soldiers are being asked to pick sides in Vietnam
The soldiers are being 'picked' to fight with the enemy
How is the title 'Homecoming' ironic?
It is not a celebration, it is the end of life and the grief of death.
"All day, day after day" is an example of what technique?
What does it mean to dehumaise someone? Why is this something that happens in war?
Remove their identity; makes it easier to kill; detach from reality and horror of war.
Why does Dawe leave the soldiers nameless in 'Homecoming'?
To emphasise that they have lost their identity.
What is a reality of war shown in 'Weapons Training'?
That it is violent and can end in death.
"What are you guna do about it?" is an example of what technique?
A rhetorical question.
Who is the 'you' that are being spoken to in 'Weapons Training'?
The new soldiers.
What does derogatory mean?
Showing a critical or disrespectful attitude.
'Weapons Training' dehumanises the enemy. Who are the enemy AND how are they dehumanised?
The Viet Cong (Vietnamese) - through racist, derogatory language: "little yellows"
Is Dawe pro or anti war?
'Connotations' means
Ideas/image you think of and associate with a word.
The poem 'Weapons Training' looks at the futility of war. What does futility mean?
Pointlessness or uselessness.
Who is our poet?
Bruce Dawe