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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When is Christmas' Eve?
It is on December 24th (It is on 24th December).
When does a leap year occur?
A Leap Year occurs every four years.
What months have 30 days?
April, June, September and November have 30 days.
What months have 31 days?
January, March, May, July, August, October and December have 31 days.
In what month is the Children's Day?
It is in October.
How many days are there in May?
There are 31 days.
When is American Independence Day?
It is on July 4th (It is on 4th July).
When is Valentine's Day? (Brazilian)
It is on June 12th (It is on 12th June).
When is Valentine's Day? (North american)
It is on February 14th (It is on 14th February).
What you call the year when February has 29 days?
We call it Leap Year.
How many days are there in June and July?
There are 61 days.
When is New Year's Eve?
It is on December 31st (It is on 31st December).
When is New Year's day?
It is on January 1st (It is on 1st January).
How many days are there from Halloween to Christmas?
There are 55 days.
When is Brazilian Independence Day?
It is on September 7th (It is on 7th September).
Which holiday is this?
This is Easter.
When is Halloween?
It is on October 31st (It is on 31st October).